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The goal of linktree is to estimate the transmission assortativity coefficient. More information here.



Understanding the transmission assortativity coefficient

The linktree framework uses transmission chain data to estimate group transmission assortativity, which quantifies the tendency of individuals to transmit within their own group relative to other groups.

It is defined as the relative increase, or decrease, in the probability of within-group transmission compared to what would be expected under random transmission. Random transmission expectations are calculated based on the group’s relative size, defined as proportion of the total susceptible population that belongs to the group.

The metric characterises transmission patterns, reflecting both contact patterns and group-specific differences in susceptibility or infectiousness.


γ\gamma ranges from 00 to \infty, where:

  • γA=1\gamma_A = 1 represents homogeneous (random) transmission:
    Individuals in group A are equally likely to transmit in A as in other groups.

  • γA\gamma_A >1 indicates assortative transmission:
    Individuals in group A are more likely to transmit in A than in other groups.

  • γA<1\gamma_A < 1 indicates disassortative transmission:
    Individuals in group A are less likely to transmit in A than in other groups.

For example, if γA=2\gamma_A = 2, individuals in group A are twice more likely to transmit within group A compared to other groups. Conversely, if γA=1/2\gamma_A = 1/2, individuals in group A are half as likely to transmit within group A compared to other groups.


To simplify interpretation, we introduce a rescaled parameter δ\delta, ranging between 1-1 (fully disassortative) and 11 (fully assortative), with 0 indicating homogeneous patterns.

We can visualise the relationship between γ\gamma and δ\delta:

delta <- seq(-1, 1, 0.1)
gamma <- delta2gamma(delta)
plot(gamma, delta, type = "l")
points(1, 0, col = "red", pch = 16)  # Homogeneous


get_gamma and get_delta estimate γ\gamma and δ\delta from a transmission tree. It requires the following inputs:

  • from: a vector of infector’s group (e.g. age group, sex, vaccination status, etc.).

  • to: a vector of infectee’s group.

  • f: a named vector of the groups’ sizes or relative sizes (i.e. proportion of the population in each group).



We can simulate an outbreak with multiple groups using the o2groups package and then use linktree to estimate the assortativity coefficients from the transmission tree. Below is a pre-loaded simulated transmission tree, see ?sim_tree for more details.

true_gammas <- c(HCW = 2, patient = 1/1.25)
sizes <- c(HCW = 100, patient = 350)
# data(sim_tree) 
sim_tree <- read.csv("")
#>     group     id source source_group date_infection date_onset
#> 1     HCW HmPsw2   <NA>         <NA>              0         12
#> 2 patient WtYSxS   <NA>         <NA>              0         12
#> 3 patient gZ6tF2   <NA>         <NA>              0          3
#> 4 patient Kxtgdz   <NA>         <NA>              0          1
#> 5 patient aH9xtg gZ6tF2      patient              1          5
#> 6     HCW DJE8PP gZ6tF2      patient              2          5

Visualise the transmission tree

#> ── R CMD build ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> * checking for file ‘/tmp/Rtmp5IGOmW/remotes200245a29076/reconhub-epicontacts-417f972/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
#> * preparing ‘epicontacts’:
#> * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
#> * checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
#> * checking for empty or unneeded directories
#> Removed empty directory ‘epicontacts/figs’
#> * building ‘epicontacts_1.2.0.tar.gz’

x <- epicontacts::make_epicontacts(
  linelist = sim_tree[, c("group", "id", "date_infection", "date_onset")],
  contacts = sim_tree[, c("source", "id", "source_group", "group")],
  id = "id",
  from = "source",
  to = "id",
  directed = TRUE

    method = "visNetwork",
    x_axis = "date_infection",
    label = FALSE,
    node_color = "group", 
    node_shape = "group",
    shapes = c(patient = "bed", HCW = "user-md"),
    edge_color = "source_group",
    edge_width = 1,
    node_size = 20,
    col_pal = epicontacts::spectral,
    edge_col_pal = epicontacts::spectral
  ) %>%
  visNetwork::visEdges(shadow = TRUE,
                       arrows = list(to = list(enabled = TRUE, scaleFactor = 0.1))) 

Estimate the transmission assortativity coefficient

Our published paper provides guidelines as to when and under which circumstances we can reliably infer group transmission assortativity. Notably, we should analyse transmission chains up to the group’s epidemic peak to avoid the saturation effect, and we should have at least ~30 cases in the group.

est_delta <- get_delta(
  from = sim_tree$source_group,
  to = sim_tree$group,
  f = sizes,
true_deltas <- gamma2delta(true_gammas)

plot(est_delta, main = "Estimated vs True assortativity coefficients")
abline(h = true_deltas, col = c("#d53e4f", "#3288bd"), lty = 2)
legend("topright", legend = c("HCW (truth)", "patient (truth)"), fill = c("#d53e4f", "#3288bd"), bty = "n")